Stephen Heppell and 21st Century Learners

In this YouTube video that Gary B from Melbourne, Victoria posted on The Future of Education network, Stephen Heppell says that 21st century learners need to be ambitious, they need to be collaborative, they need to embrace the idea of mutuality. They need to really not just work with others.but need to work with others. But above all else they need to stand back and have their eyes on the horizon and it is a global horizon…it absolutely is… Some of the children I’m working with around the world are at their most excitement as learners when they see themselves as global citizens…’
I have great respect for the views of Stephen Heppell and look forward to hearing him in person at the Building Learning Communities conference in Boston in July.

What Time Is It?
Keeping track of the time across the globe is easier with and graphics like clockfile (above). I also like to use the small digital car clocks in the classroom. I keep the clocks set for the countries that I work with so that students can see the time difference easily.