Letters to the Skipper

Students wrote letter to Skipper Rich Wilson today. I told them that they needed to add some details to their letter so that it was something special for Rich to read. Here are two of the letters that the students wrote:

Dear Rich,

My classmates and I are following your voyage and it seems like sometimes it can be very scary for you but also fun. I just read your latest blog and it must be exciting all ready knowing that one of your friends finished the race after what must have seemed like a long time. And it must be very nerve wracking thinking about all the bad storms you’ve been through and are going through (like the storm you went through on February 1 when you were trying to pass through a massive low), but it says how much of a dedicated sailor you are and I admire that a lot. Like my grandfather always tells me “Every man should have the three most important qualities honor, trust, and dedication” and I really think that these words explain you. Keep going strong and never give up!!!

Yours Truly,


I will be posting more blogs and videos all during the week on this page if you want to check back!!!

Dear Rich,
I am so sad that you did not win but I am very happy for Michel
as I read how you congratulated him on your entry on February 1st.
I was reading both your entries of February 1st and noticed that you
are a very good competitor because you did not just sit and soak,
but you were a good sport and was happy for Michel. You have
worked so hard, with all the risks you’ve taken. When you risked going
boating in the darkness of night but you knew you could do it! I have
taken a risk like that when I was riding my bike for the first time, and I
decided I was ready for my dad to let go. Once I actually was riding it
felt scary, but I felt good! You must have gotten many feelings like that
Yours truly,


Note that you are welcome to have your students send a note to Rich via his http://www.sitesalive.com website. Look at the top of the page for the link for ‘Send a note to Rich.’