Setting up a ‘Global Classroom’

As I am setting up my classroom this year, I am looking for items to add to the physical classroom space. I thought I’d take a minute to share the items that I purchased with blog readers and welcome your suggestions.
What Time is it?
I have always been fascinated with time zones. Being on time for conference calls across the continents is critical to the success of connecting with others. In past years I have had little digital car clocks set for different time zones in my classroom. Students are always fascinated by these. As they waited in line to go back to their classroom, these little clocks were often the focus of their discussion. This year I decided to get a time zone clock. I found one on–The Karlsson Wall Clock Timezone Magnet Aluminum for $57.98 with free shipping. I would have preferred a digital rather than an analog clock, but I think this clock will work out. I should mention that the clock isn’t as durable or fancy as it looked in the photo. There is no glass in front of the clock faces and it’s lightweight aluminum so it might dent or scratch easily if it fell. I’ll have to secure it to the wall. I want to mount it in a safe place at eye level for students.
The second item that I purchased was a laminated National Geographic political world map. It’s on the National Geographic site for $58. plus shipping. I would have liked to get the map framed under glass, but it’s more expensive. The map will be mounted on the classroom wall. We often use Google Earth, but this large wall map will be great to add things to offline so that they are on display all year long.
Another item that I purchased are miniature flags. I love miniature flags and collect flags from the countries that I work with. I went to the Montessori websites and found a stand and flags that I liked at Each flag is $3.25 and the 24 hole hardwood flag stand that I chose was $18.50. I can’t wait to display them in the classroom and use them in my lessons.
I put all of my global friends’ photos in frames on the wall. I use Staples Horizontal Wall Mount Sign Holders since I can easily replace the images often. To keep the sign holders secure on the wall I use the Scotch Mounting supplies.
My kid-friendly and free inspirational printable posters are from Peter Reynolds work at I love his work!. I also have Bren’s postercards up on my desk to add his bright colors and smiles to the classroom.
I am going to purchase a rug. I will probably purchase the rug at since I like the solid color carpets. They seem really durable. There are some beautiful world rugs as well — it would be fun to have someday when they have a sale.
On the classroom wall, I proudly include the yacht ensign from the Great American II presented to the school by Rich Wilson after he sailed from NY to Melbourne. I also have two photographs of his trimarans. The voyages are filled with many great memories.
Almost everything in the room is ready now. It feels almost complete…Soon the ‘global classroom’ will be filled with enthusiastic children who will join my virtual colleagues and students, and our global journeys will continue!

First Day of School

Thursday is the first day of school for the students who I work with. I remember there is always something energizing about the first day of school– Who is in my class? Who will I sit next to? Will I like my teacher? Will my teacher like me? I have to think back on all of the helpful information from The First Six Weeks of School, The Responsive Classroom book that helps to reflect on those first critical days of school that can get students off on the right step.
Do teachers get nervous on the first day of school? Well, in my quick informal survey of both new and veteran teachers, I have to say a resounding ‘yes!’

Are you looking for some activities for the first day of school? One resource that I always check out is Enchanted Learning.